Our team continues to be here for you and your cherished pets.

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Parasite Control and Prevention

These harmful and downright icky creatures are not an ideal topic of conversation, but we must talk about them for the sake of your pet’s well-being. Just one small pest can cause so much danger to your pet, particularly if the infestation is left untreated. Keeping your pet on regular parasite control medications is your best defense against Lyme disease, irreversible organ damage, and other complications from parasites. Call us at 902.543.5602 to learn more.

What types of parasites can harm my pet?

There are far too many parasites that can cause havoc on your pet’s health. They can be categorized into two main groups: internal and external parasites. Some of the most common ones we see in our region are:


  • Coccidia
  • Tapeworm
  • Roundworm
  • Hookworm
  • Whipworm
  • Giardia


  • Ear mites
  • Fleas
  • Ticks
  • Lice

    Can I get parasites from my pet?

    Unfortunately, yes! A few of these pests can also infect you and other people near you by accidental ingestion or penetration through the skin. Sandboxes and gardening areas are common places for cross-contamination, as well as other surfaces your pet constantly comes in contact with.

    What is the best way to protect a dog/cat from parasites?

    Regular parasite prevention, cleaning up/grooming your pet on a constant basis, wearing gloves while gardening, disinfecting your pet’s toys & food bowls, and always washing your hands are just some of the precautions you can take. Year-round medication is still the best source of protection against all kinds of parasites. Please don’t hesitate to ask us which one would be most suitable for you and your pet.

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